
Advanced 1

ADVANCED 1, an engineering services organization, has been faithfully serving the Telecommunications industry nationwide, for over 39 years. Our service groups provide expertise for our clients’ day to day, business as usual work as well as small and large projects. Our Field Services Group performs all manners of residential and commercial walkouts, desktop serviceability and field verifications, as well as all types of permitting including providing a PE stamp if required. Our Design Services Group skillfully performs all types of system design including Coax, Hybrid Coax and Fiber and FTTX with multiple software platform expertise. We also excel at Node Splits, Fiber Splicing, software data migrations, to name a few. Our Technical Services Group provides data conversions, geospatially accurate land base, data translations, address management, and geocoding. For more information, see us at Booth 1208 or visit our website; advanced1.net.

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