Speaker Lineup

Dr. Jennifer Andreoli-Fang

Head of Fixed Networks

Dr. Jennifer Andreoli-Fang joined Amazon Web Services in 2021 as Senior Manager of Cloud Architecture. In this role, Jennifer leads her team to advance and implement cloud technology for telecom and cable service providers. Prior to AWS, Jennifer was a Distinguished Technologist at CableLabs where she spent close to 14 years. She led the development of cable broadband technology standards, as well as strategic cable industry initiatives at the 3GPP, the Wi-Fi Alliance, the ORAN Alliance, and Facebook Telecom Infra Project. Jennifer is a prolific inventor, with more than 100 patents filed and granted. She is the winner of multiple innovation awards, including the Light Reading Hedy Lamarr Technology Pioneer in 2018, as well as the WICT Rocky Mountain Technology Woman in 2020.

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AI & Automation

Developing and Building AI and GenAI Products

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- 3:15 PM
Dr. Jennifer Andreoli-Fang
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Nick Pinckernell
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Jim Prather
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