
At TechExpo, we are dedicated to fostering an environmentally conscious event that reflects our commitment to sustainability.
We believe that small actions can lead to significant positive impacts.
We encourage every attendee to bring a reusable water bottle to the event to stay hydrated. Across the venue water coolers will be available to refill.
With thanks to our sponsors, we have purchased water restoration certificates (WRCs) to offset water use throughout the event.
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Green Energy Source
With support from our sponsors, we are purchasing and retiring enough renewable energy certificates (RECs) to power the event with 100% renewable energy.
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Energy Efficiency
We will use energy-efficient technology throughout our conference operations. We encourage all vendors and exhibitors to turn off equipment and lighting when they are not in use.
Logistics & Travel
Local Suppliers
Were possible, we hire local suppliers to minimize transportation and utilize local labor.
Public Transportation & Walking
Our staff stay in local hotels and walk each day to the venue. We minimize single person travel via taxi or ride shares and encourage our staff to car pool.
When possible, our staff are encouraged to book non-stop flights.
Production and Waste
Waste Diversion & Recycling
With support from our sponsor, we will segregate landfill waste, recyclables, and compost across all facilities during setup, event days, and teardown, adhere to kitchen oil recycling programs, and require all catering providers to minimize waste and donate their surplus to food rescue programs.
We encourage every attendee and exhibitor to use the labeled recycling bins when throwing away trash. Bins are clearly labeled and our partner Waste Eliminators will haul all items disposed of to their facilities for sorting and recycling.
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We have reduced the number of handouts being produced at the event.
Single Use Plastic
Our event uses recycled-content and biodegradable materials, and we are committed to reduction in single-use plastics.
Our lanyards and conference bags are produced from recycled and/or biodegradable materials. Any leftover merchandise is being collected and shipped to TerraCycle, and will be recycled into new products.
Leftover Food
We require all catering providers to donate their surplus to local food banks/charities.
Event App
Our event app is more robust to plan your time and connect with attendees, minimizing paper handouts.