
Technology Policy

Infrastructure Security: Integrating Zero Trust Across Core and Access Networks

  • Adopting Zero Trust practices in both core and access networks provides long-term risk benefits as it shrinks perimeters, limits lateral movement to only authenticated and authorized services, and simplifies orchestration
  • CableLabs [and the cable broadband industry] will provide an overview of the recently released CableLabs’ Zero Trust and Infrastructure Security (ØTIS) Best Common Practices (BCP) document for infrastructure elements
  • The BCP provides a consensus approach to the implementation of Zero Trust to ensure interoperable and reliable service delivery for operators. These common security practices embrace the Zero Trust concepts and help support convergence, automation and address evolving threats to network infrastructure
  • Industry and government panelists will discuss the critical role of Zero Trust in networks and how Zero Trust will support a more secure delivery of broadband services
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