
Wireline Network Evolution

A Photonic Future

If You Love Coherent, Set it Free: Extending Coherent Optics to the Outside Plant

  • Unleashing the power of coherent optics in the outside plant (OSP) environment
  • Examining the key technology innovations, contrast dual-laser and sub-carrier approaches
  • Discussing the operational challenges and the architectures that help converge optical links from the core to the home       

Venk Mutalik
Comcast Fellow

Our Ultimate Fiber Network Just Got a New Look with a Comb – A Comprehensive Exploration of Optical Frequency Combs

  • Introducing the concept of optical power generator and grid to optimize the use of optical resources
  • Leveraging these comb sources over a single access network fiber
  • Understanding the challenges and insights into potential solutions
  • Assessing the architecture and migration strategies towards an ultimate cable fiber network

Zhensheng Jia
Fellow and Director of Advanced Optical Technologies

Tactics for Deploying C-L CDC-F DWDM Systems                     

  • Launching high-performing optical transport technology without disrupting the customer
  • Exploring best practices to overcome fiber non-linearities, such as Simulated Raman Scattering (SRS) and Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) line-loading and minimizing network fragmentation.
  • Understanding the technical and economic implications of deploying and operationalizing long-haul C-L CDC-F DWDM technology
  • Developing a roadmap that can adapt to the dynamic landscape of wireline and wireless network evolution and the strategic deployment of advanced DWDM

Tanuja Maneesh
Senior Optical Transport Engineer
Rogers Communications

Fernando Villarruel
Chief Architect

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