
Operations, Construction & Network Planning

Using AI to Optimize Operations and Energy Consumption

Preventing Network Maintenance Collisions, Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models for Predicting Collisions in Planned Maintenance Activities

  • Exploring how AI model use cases can predict and avoid collisions in change activities leading to customer impacts or extended outages during planned maintenance
  • Staying abreast of technological advances, break-fix scenarios and building new configurations in the network
  • Using a predictive AI model to aid engineers and technicians doing network maintenance to reduce customer impacts from planned maintenance

Jordan Kupersmith
Data Scientist II
Cox Communications

Taking Critical Facility Energy Conservation Measures to the Next Level: Incorporating Lessons Learned and Moving Towards AI/ML for Building Management Systems Controls       

  • Examining recent developments in Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to improve critical facilities availability, reliability, sustainability and resilience
  • Reviewing ECMs and their impact and lessons learned through deployment
  • Exploring how AI and ML can be used with BMS controls to optimize efficiency

Mike Glaser
Principal Architect, Critical Facilities
Cox Communications

Artificial Intelligence and the Nanogrid in Critical Facility Power Infrastructure     

  • Exploring the cost saving and sustainability benefits of nanogrids
  • Using Artificial Intelligent Nanogrid controllers to predict and automate the energy decision-making process
  • Selecting the appropriate source based on previously chosen criteria to optimize future changes manually
  • Understanding the importance of AI for Critical Infrastructure Technologies to provide resilience, risk reduction, energy optimization, and sustainability through Nanogrid Critical Facility Power Infrastructure

Ron Slutter
Senior Technical Sales Representative
EnerSys Energy Systems

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