
Operations, Construction & Network Planning

Optimation: Optimizing Operations with Automation

The Journey of a LATAM Telco to Enhance Operations through AIOps           

  • Determining the drivers for and meeting the challenge of implementing Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)
  • Integrating AIOps across different such as: systems integration, information standardization, process optimization
  • Developing effective monitoring and incident management capabilities whilst prioritizing the user experience
  • Adopting AIOps to unlock new levels of operational efficiency and innovation

Carlos Reyes
Manager OSS Engineering and Automation
Liberty Latin America

Automation in a Service Provider Brownfield Network 

  • Examining the components needed to create a complete automation solution
    • network planning tool
    • automated configuration deployment
    • network status tool
    • configuration compliance solution
  • Building a complete automation solution from both open-source solutions and homegrown tools to provide flexibility and customization in both greenfield and legacy networks

Mark Kayser
IP Engineer III, Cox Business Network Sustaining Engineering
Cox Communications

Automating R-PHY in the Transition to vCMTS

  • Examining key concepts in R-PHY automation across the full network device lifecycle for vCMTS and RPD
  • Integrating CCAP to vCMTS with an API-first approach and applying lessons learned from existing national R-PHY automation to move to a full no-touch deployment model
  • Provisioning ongoing configuration management in a unified model with special consideration for complex automation concerns of gating, approval processes, and reconciliation loops

Douglas Johnson
VP, Software Architect
Vecima Networks

Bob Gaydos
Comcast Fellow

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