
Wireline Network Evolution

Driving End-to-End IP Networking

Evolution of Network Robustness and Resiliency in the CIN     

  • Utilizing a number of approaches in the design process and evolution of the Cox CIN to provide network resilience
  • Understanding how to provide network resilience such as BGP multi-homing and fine-tuning of IGP/BGP protocol timers for optimal convergence
  • Deploying resiliency strategies including PTP architecture enhancement, QoS fine-tuning, routing optimizations to ensure optimal unicast/multicast reachability
  • Increasing the use of Proactive Network Health (PNH) measures to identify potential failures in a preemptive manner

John Huang 
Lead Communications Network Engineer
Cox Communications 

Routing Packets in Provider Networks: A Multi-Service Operators’ Perspective       

  • Examining emerging approaches and strategies that are shaping the network architecture and routing design
  • Optimizing routing protocols, meeting evolving security challenges and leveraging innovative technologies
  • Understanding the role of multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) and segment routing (SR) in enhancing scalability, efficiency, flexibility, and network programmability

Deependra Malla
Network Design Engineer
Cox Communications 

Modern BGP Route Reflection Architecture        

  • Focusing on design principles and optimization for platform, architecture, and routing
  • Examining architectural considerations and proposing enhancements to improve scalability and create efficiencies
  • Leveraging x86-appliances to achieve scalability, performance, and ease of management in BGP route reflection architecture
  • Understanding the trade-offs and implementing best practices while maintaining stability and fault tolerance

Mark Goodwin
Lead Network Engineer
Cox Communications

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