A Telecommunication Engineer’s Guide to Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Developing an optimal strategy to deploy AI: What AI technologies are viable?
- Identifying optimization opportunities and efficiencies whilst pinpointing potential roadblocks
- Navigating the implementation process and ensuring you have the data needed for effective models and successful solutions
Roy Pereira
Application Development BSS | Digital Service
Cox Communications
A Beginner’s Guide to Network Automation for FTTH Networks
- Getting back to basics: What cultural shifts are needed to build an organization and mindset that embraces automation?
- Implementing best practices to kick-start your automation journey: Skills, collaboration, KPIs, training
- Exploring tools, methodologies, architectures and functionalities to ensure a successful roadmap for network automation
Marco Gagliostro
Manager, PON Technology and Enterprise Network Operations
Rogers Communications
Edge Intelligence: Enabling Distributed ML Applications in Cable Networks
- Understanding how to facilitate distributed edge intelligence on DOCSIS® network equipment, cable modems (CMs) and gateways
- Exploring the potential of extending edge intelligent to other devices (distributed access architecture (DAA nodes or amplifiers)
- Developing an architecture to support this deployment model
- Implementing security mechanisms and APIs to enable functionality
Karthik Sundaresan
Distinguished Technologist & Director of HFC solutions
Jennifer Andreoli-Fang
Senior Manager, North America Telecom, Service Providers Cloud Architecture